Act now – Who to report to

    • Your opportunity to be heard:

    Act Now – Who To Report To

    What can you do?

    With ASB, it is a good idea to first consider tackling the problem yourself or with others before resorting to formal reporting assuming that it is a relatively small incident of anti-social behaviour.

    • Ask yourself if you are being reasonable
    • Go to the person calmly and explain the problems you are experiencing (or if applicable ask your Neighbourhood Watch contact to do this on your behalf)
    • Do not shout or be verbally abusive as they may shout and retaliate and be abusive to you
    • If you do not feel confident enough to approach the person face to face, try writing a polite note explaining what the problems are and post this through their door. This could also be done anonymously or as a group, e.g. writing “a few of us are a bit concerned…”

    ACT NOW GUIDE – Reporting Anti-social behaviour

    There are a number of different agencies involved in tackling anti-social behaviour.  The main three are the police, your local authority and housing associations.  Our ‘Act Now!’ Interactive Guide will help you report anti-social behaviour to the right agency in the right way.  Who to report to will depend on various factors such as:

    • What the anti-social behaviour is
    • Whether you have reported it before (with a satisfactory or unsatisfactory response)
    • Whether you or the alleged offender are social landlord tenants

    To see a list of other agencies that are involved, please see our Who’s who of agencies.
    Don’t just assume if it is out of office hours that you need to call the Police. You do not. Local Authorities and Housing Associations have out-of-hour numbers you can call too.  Our Act Now! Guide will take you to the right page of your Local Authority website for many of the common problems like noise and graffiti.

    When you call to report anti-social behaviour: Be Prepared.

    You will probably be asked the following questions so have your answers ready:

    • What is being done?
    • Who is doing it?
    • When did it happen (date and time)?
    • Is this the first instance? If not, how often has it happened?