Will you take the ASB Help pledge?

The ASB Help Pledge:

Will you take the ASB Help pledge?


More information on the ASB Case Review and the ASB Help pledge can be found here:  The ASB Pledge


The effects of long-term ASB victimisation

Anti-social behaviour is not 'low-level': evidencing the effects of long-term victimisation.

Read the full blog post here:

Effects of ASB Victimisation

In the media: Discussing noise complaints and neighbour disputes

ASB Help are featured in this weeks Scottish Sunday Express, discussing the significant increase in noise complaints, neighbour disputes and public nuisance calls. ASB Help reported an increase in complaints of 25%-300% across the board, with most of these related to noise.

Read the full article here - Scottish Sunday Express article

Our website also contains lots of information and advice regarding noise and neighbour disputes.


Nightingale Taskforces

ASB Help has opened a national conversation about ASB management and suggested the concept of Nightingale Taskforces.

More information can be found here: Nightingale Taskforces

The open letter to the UK Home Secretary can be found here: Open Letter

Stop Loan Sharks Newsletter

Please see attached the Stop Loan Sharks latest newsletter which gives an update on support for loan shark victims during COVID-19, Live Chat, applying for POCA money, Podcasts, Reporting App and much more.

Stop Loan Sharks Partners Update - June 2020

Restorative Mediation: A Free Resource for Victims and Practitioners in London

Please see our latest blog post on the benefits of Restorative Mediation: A free service available to practitioners and victims in London.

Blog Post 

Additionally, please see here for a Restorative Justice Service Victim Referral Form:

Restorative Justice Service referral form Victim April 2019

The Importance of Working Collaboratively During COVID-19: A Case Study


A collaborative blog working with Craig Kendall (ASB Team Leader) from Hyde Housing discussing the importance of working collaboratively during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the blog here: The Importance of Collaborative Working During COVID-19

Dealing with ASB during COVID-19 - Chartered Institute of Housing

The Chartered Institute of Housing have pieced together a helpful information sheet on Anti-Social Behaviour during COVID-19.

You can read the information sheet here:

Chartered Institute of Housing Information Sheet

Template documents for COVID-19 related ASB

Great to see Surrey ASB Unit adapting so quickly to manage Covid-19 related ASB.

Check out these brilliant template documents below:

Surrey Police Template

COVID 19 ASB Advice

COVID 19 Mediation Service