ASB Case Review for Practitioners

    ASB Case Review

    ASB Case Review Directory

    Each Local Authority must specify the point of contact for activating the ASB Case Review and ensure that applications made to that point of contact are passed on to all the relevant bodies in the local government area. We have a list of ASB Case Reviews and the website link with the details on how to activate it for each local area here.

    If your local area is not listed, it should still have an active ASB Case Review (if in England and Wales) so just call your local Council or the police on 101 and ask for the details remembering that in some areas it is called the ASB Case Review.

    Please note: since each threshold for the ASB Case Review is set locally, you may want to check your local area’s decision on this in case the threshold is even lower than reporting it 3 times in 6 months.  

    Problems with the ASB Case Review

    In September 2016 we published a report into the ASB Case Review entitled ASB Case Review: Empowerment or Bureaucratic Exercise? looking at some of the ways we believe it needs to be improved.

    If you have activated the ASB Case Review and you are dissatisfied with the process, you are not alone.  Do let us know your experiences in the form found on our ‘contact us’ page.  We would also recommend you contact the Victims’ Commissioner to let her know about the failings of the Trigger.  Here is a template letter you can use to prepare your response which can then be emailed to or sent in the post.

    Victim Commissioner template letter.

    If you are an Anti-Social Behaviour Practitioner – we have been asked if we have a best practice example of how to display information about your ASB Case Review/ASB Case Review.  See here for a template on how to present and promote your Trigger.  We also have a self-assessment checklist to enable practitioners to effectively review their ASB Case Review process found here: ASB Case Review self assessment checklist.  For a good example of the ASB Case Review process we like Derby City Council’s flowchart reproduced here: CT process flowchart

    The ASB Pledge

    ASB Help launched the PLEDGE in late 2019, after a successful pilot with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.  The Pledge seeks to encourage statutory agencies and housing providers in England and Wales to promote the use of the ASB Case Review.  For more information and best practice templates please click here.