


    Feel like you’re about to explode? Feel like you want to take things into your own hands? Feel ill you’re so angry?

    Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but how you manage it in situations involving anti-social behaviour is very important – it can mean the difference between being seen as an innocent victim or being accused of anti-social behaviour yourself.

    High blood pressure, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, heart attacks and colds or flu are all ways that anger might affect your health if it’s not dealt with constructively.  These symptoms may add to the misery of the ASB you are experiencing so here are some helpful tips if you find yourself in a difficult situation:

    Managing anger in the long term

    If the ASB is ongoing and a resolution isn’t imminent, you may find these ways of controlling anger useful.

    • Exercise and relaxation can reduce high stress levels. Running, walking, swimming, yoga and meditation are just a few of the activities you could try.
    • Look after yourself and make time to relax regularly and ensure you get enough sleep. Drugs and alcohol can make anger problems worse.
    • Get creative. Writing, making music, dancing or painting can release tension and help reduce feelings of being furious.
    • Talk about how you feel. A friend or partner with a willing ear could help you express some of your anger and may give you a different perspective on the situation.
    • Think about how you think. You might find yourself thinking at some point, “It’s not fair!” for example. If this thought is persistent, it could be unhelpful as it might keep you focused on what’s making you angry and upsetting you. This is probably also what the ASB perpetrator wants. Letting go of such thoughts will both help you calm down and thwart the perpetrator.

    Getting help with anger

    If you feel you need help dealing with your anger, you could see your GP as there might be anger management courses or counselling that could help you.

    How are you coping?


    Read our safety tips & advice


    How to channel frustration


    Anger measurement tips