08/01/2020 – How can your local organisation help victims of Anti-Social Behaviour in your area?

Today ASB Help requested a ASB Case Review activation on behalf of two vulnerable victims of persistent anti-social behaviour. They have suffered 3 years of hell, despite the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 giving agencies the tools and powers to compel anti-social people to desist in their behaviour. With echoes of the Pilkington case, we really hope Cherwell District Council and Thames Valley Police embrace our intervention and bring an end to the misery being caused to these people before any more serious harm is caused.

Click here to view our pledge and how your organisation can sign up to it.

Click here to view our blog on the Pilkington case, and whether lessons have been learnt from it.


ASB Help
3-4 Hankey Place
London, SE1 4BB

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ASB Help will always endeavour to work collaboratively with practitioners and partner agencies across England and Wales to promote and attain the best possible outcome for the victim.  It is our hope that our expertise and experience will be used as an asset by practitioners in all cases that we consult on, however it must be noted that we do NOT have jurisdiction over local agencies and cannot compel partners to undertake specific action.

We will continue to offer objective advice to victims and practitioners alike and hope that in doing so we can promote best practice in ASB case management as well as raising awareness of victims rights.

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