Is anti-social behaviour ruining your life?

Why your support matters

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Making a donation will help us to:

1. Be the collective voice of ASB victims  and lobby to improve the funding and support available for ASB victims in England and Wales.

2. Continue to promote the ASB PLEDGE to develop national consistency in relation to the ASB Case Review process to ensure it does not remain a postcode lottery

3. Promote awareness of the ASB Case Review and ensure ASB victims are equipped with the relevant knowledge and understanding of their right

4. Lobby for change in legislation to improve ‘the teeth’ of the action plans arising from a community trigger.

5. Work with agencies to better their ASB service delivery to ensure that ASB victims are placed at the heart of the response when tackling ASB.6. Develop projects with the aim of championing the victims’ voice

Ways to Donate Online

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Send a cheque made payable to ASB Help to:

ASB Help
3-4 Hankey Place

Don't Suffer in Silence

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