ASB Help consulted on an urgent COVID-19 related case of anti-social behaviour which was heard in a County Court yesterday. Barrister Iain Wightwick, of Unity Street Chambers, was engaged by the landlord in the first case that we know of to obtain a Part 1 Interim Injunction Order against two residents of a sheltered housing scheme. The Order prevents them from putting vulnerable people at risk of serious harm and potentially death because of their refusal to adhere to the government’s social distancing requirements.

Please see Iain’s article for more information here:

Injunction against two over 60-year-olds

ASB Help urges all practitioners to embrace the versatility of the tools and powers contained in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. These powers provide you with urgent recourse for cases of COVID-19 related ASB. Remember the statutory test is for a Part 1 Injunction is A SIGNIFICANT RISK OF HARM BE THAT PHYSICAL OR MENTAL.

The nature of anti-social behaviour does not change because its power to cause distress to victims remains constant. But the character of anti-social behaviour does change, and this includes COVID-19.

We urge all practitioners to adapt and respond using the powers available to them. Please circulate this case to your colleagues in Registered Housing Providers, Police Forces or Local Authorities so they know that it is possible to manage urgent COVID-19 cases of ASB and reduce the harm of it.

This case shows the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 works if we use it in the spirit it was enacted: TO PREVENT ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR, in whatever form it may take AND REDUCE THE HARM IT CAUSES TO VICTIMS.


ASB Help
3-4 Hankey Place
London, SE1 4BB

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ASB Help will always endeavour to work collaboratively with practitioners and partner agencies across England and Wales to promote and attain the best possible outcome for the victim.  It is our hope that our expertise and experience will be used as an asset by practitioners in all cases that we consult on, however it must be noted that we do NOT have jurisdiction over local agencies and cannot compel partners to undertake specific action.

We will continue to offer objective advice to victims and practitioners alike and hope that in doing so we can promote best practice in ASB case management as well as raising awareness of victims rights.

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